Source code for neuralnet_pytorch.utils.cv_utils

import torch as T

from .. import cuda_ext_available
from . import tensor_utils as tutils

__all__ = ['rgb2gray', 'rgb2ycbcr', 'rgba2rgb', 'ycbcr2rgb', 'pc2vox', 'pc2vox_fast']

[docs]def rgb2gray(img: T.Tensor): """ Converts a batch of RGB images to gray. :param img: a batch of RGB image tensors. :return: a batch of gray images. """ if len(img.shape) != 4: raise ValueError('Input images must have four dimensions, not %d' % len(img.shape)) return (0.299 * img[:, 0] + 0.587 * img[:, 1] + 0.114 * img[:, 2]).unsqueeze(1)
[docs]def rgb2ycbcr(img: T.Tensor): """ Converts a batch of RGB images to YCbCr. :param img: a batch of RGB image tensors. :return: a batch of YCbCr images. """ if len(img.shape) != 4: raise ValueError('Input images must have four dimensions, not %d' % len(img.shape)) Y = 0. + .299 * img[:, 0] + .587 * img[:, 1] + .114 * img[:, 2] Cb = 128. - .169 * img[:, 0] - .331 * img[:, 1] + .5 * img[:, 2] Cr = 128. + .5 * img[:, 0] - .419 * img[:, 1] - .081 * img[:, 2] return, Cb.unsqueeze(1), Cr.unsqueeze(1)), 1)
[docs]def ycbcr2rgb(img: T.Tensor): """ Converts a batch of YCbCr images to RGB. :param img: a batch of YCbCr image tensors. :return: a batch of RGB images. """ if len(img.shape) != 4: raise ValueError('Input images must have four dimensions, not %d' % len(img.shape)) R = img[:, 0] + 1.4 * (img[:, 2] - 128.) G = img[:, 0] - .343 * (img[:, 1] - 128.) - .711 * (img[:, 2] - 128.) B = img[:, 0] + 1.765 * (img[:, 1] - 128.) return, G.unsqueeze(1), B.unsqueeze(1)), 1)
[docs]def rgba2rgb(img: T.Tensor): """ Converts a batch of RGBA images to RGB. :param img: an batch of RGBA image tensors. :return: a batch of RGB images. """ r = img[..., 0, :, :] g = img[..., 1, :, :] b = img[..., 2, :, :] a = img[..., 3, :, :] shape = img.shape[:-3] + (3,) + img.shape[-2:] out = T.zeros(*shape).to(img.device) out[..., 0, :, :] = (1 - a) * r + a * r out[..., 1, :, :] = (1 - a) * g + a * g out[..., 2, :, :] = (1 - a) * b + a * b return out
[docs]def pc2vox(pc: T.Tensor, vox_size=32, sigma=.005, analytical_gauss_norm=True): """ Converts a centered point cloud to voxel representation. :param pc: a batch of centered point clouds. :param vox_size: resolution of the voxel field. Default: 32. :param sigma: std of the Gaussian blur that determines the area of effect of each point. :param analytical_gauss_norm: whether to use a analytically precomputed normalization term. :return: the voxel representation of input. """ assert pc.ndimension() in (2, 3), 'Point cloud must be a 2D a 3D tensor' if pc.ndimension() == 2: pc = pc[None] x = pc[..., 0] y = pc[..., 1] z = pc[..., 2] rng = T.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, vox_size).to(pc.device) xg, yg, zg = T.meshgrid(rng, rng, rng) # [G,G,G] x_big = tutils.shape_padright(x, 3) # [B,N,1,1,1] y_big = tutils.shape_padright(y, 3) # [B,N,1,1,1] z_big = tutils.shape_padright(z, 3) # [B,N,1,1,1] xg = tutils.shape_padleft(xg, 2) # [1,1,G,G,G] yg = tutils.shape_padleft(yg, 2) # [1,1,G,G,G] zg = tutils.shape_padleft(zg, 2) # [1,1,G,G,G] # squared distance sq_distance = (x_big - xg) ** 2. + (y_big - yg) ** 2. + (z_big - zg) ** 2. # compute gaussian func = T.exp(-sq_distance / (2. * sigma ** 2)) # [B,N,G,G,G] # normalise gaussian if analytical_gauss_norm: # should work with any grid sizes magic_factor = 1.78984352254 # see estimate_gauss_normaliser sigma_normalised = sigma * vox_size normaliser = 1. / (magic_factor * (sigma_normalised ** 3.)) func *= normaliser else: normaliser = T.sum(func, (2, 3, 4), keepdim=True) func /= normaliser summed = T.sum(func, dim=1) # [B,G,G G] voxels = T.clamp(summed, 0., 1.) return voxels
[docs]def pc2vox_fast(pc: T.Tensor, voxel_size=32, grid_size=1., filter_outlier=True, c_code=cuda_ext_available): """ A fast conversion from a centered point cloud to voxel representation. :param pc: a batch of centered point clouds. :param voxel_size: resolution of the voxel field. Default: 32. :param grid_size: range of the point clouds. Default: 1. :param filter_outlier: whether to filter point outside of `grid_size`. Default: ``True``. :param c_code: whether to use a C++ implementation. Default: ``True``. :return: the voxel representation of input. """ assert pc.ndimension() in (2, 3), 'Point cloud must be a 2D a 3D tensor' if pc.ndimension() == 2: pc = pc[None] if c_code: from ..extensions import pc2vox voxel = pc2vox(pc, voxel_size, grid_size, filter_outlier) else: b, n, _ = pc.shape half_size = grid_size / 2. valid = (pc >= -half_size) & (pc <= half_size) valid = T.all(valid, 2) pc_grid = (pc + half_size) * (voxel_size - 1.) indices_floor = T.floor(pc_grid) indices = indices_floor.long() batch_indices = T.arange(b).to(pc.device) batch_indices = tutils.shape_padright(batch_indices, 2) batch_indices = tutils.tile(batch_indices, (1, n, 1)) indices =, indices), 2) indices = T.reshape(indices, (-1, 4)) r = pc_grid - indices_floor rr = (1. - r, r) if filter_outlier: valid = valid.flatten() indices = indices[valid] def interpolate_scatter3d(pos): updates = rr[pos[0]][..., 0] * rr[pos[1]][..., 1] * rr[pos[2]][..., 2] updates = updates.flatten() if filter_outlier: updates = updates[valid] indices_shift = T.tensor([[0] + pos]).to(pc.device) indices_loc = indices + indices_shift out_shape = (b,) + (voxel_size,) * 3 voxels = T.zeros(*out_shape).to(pc.device).flatten() voxels.scatter_add_(0, tutils.ravel_index(indices_loc.t(), out_shape), updates) return voxels.view(*out_shape) voxel = [interpolate_scatter3d([k, j, i]) for k in range(2) for j in range(2) for i in range(2)] voxel = sum(voxel) voxel = T.clamp(voxel, 0., 1.) return voxel