Source code for neuralnet_pytorch.utils.activation_utils

import torch as T
import torch.nn.functional as F
from functools import partial, update_wrapper

__all__ = ['relu', 'linear', 'lrelu', 'tanh', 'sigmoid', 'elu', 'selu', 'softmax', 'function']

[docs]def relu(x: T.Tensor, **kwargs): """ ReLU activation. """ return T.relu(x)
[docs]def linear(x: T.Tensor, **kwargs): """ Linear activation. """ return x
[docs]def lrelu(x: T.Tensor, **kwargs): """ Leaky ReLU activation. """ return F.leaky_relu(x, kwargs.get('negative_slope', .2), kwargs.get('inplace', False))
[docs]def tanh(x: T.Tensor, **kwargs): """ Hyperbolic tangent activation. """ return T.tanh(x)
[docs]def sigmoid(x: T.Tensor, **kwargs): """ Sigmoid activation. """ return T.sigmoid(x)
[docs]def elu(x: T.Tensor, **kwargs): """ ELU activation. """ return F.elu(x, kwargs.get('alpha', 1.), kwargs.get('inplace', False))
[docs]def softmax(x: T.Tensor, **kwargs): """ Softmax activation. """ return T.softmax(x, kwargs.get('dim', None))
[docs]def selu(x: T.Tensor, **kwargs): """ SELU activation. """ return T.selu(x)
act = { 'relu': relu, 'linear': linear, None: linear, 'lrelu': lrelu, 'tanh': tanh, 'sigmoid': sigmoid, 'elu': elu, 'softmax': softmax, 'selu': selu }
[docs]def function(activation, **kwargs): """ returns the `activation`. Can be ``str`` or ``callable``. For ``str``, possible choices are ``None``, ``'linear'``, ``'relu'``, ``'lrelu'``, ``'tanh'``, ``'sigmoid'``, ``'elu'``, ``'softmax'``, and ``'selu'``. :param activation: name of the activation function. :return: activation function """ func = partial(activation, **kwargs) if callable(activation) else partial(act[activation], **kwargs) return update_wrapper(func, activation) if callable(activation) else update_wrapper(func, act[activation])