Source code for neuralnet_pytorch.layers.abstract

from collections import OrderedDict

import torch as T
import torch.nn as nn
from torch._six import container_abcs
import sympy as sp

from .. import utils

__all__ = ['wrapper', 'Sequential', 'Lambda', 'Module', 'MultiSingleInputModule', 'MultiMultiInputModule',

[docs]class _LayerMethod: """ This mixin class contains various attributes to extend :mod:`torch` modules. """ @property def input_shape(self): return self._input_shape @input_shape.setter def input_shape(self, input_shape): if input_shape is None or isinstance(input_shape, (int, sp.Symbol)): shape = input_shape elif isinstance(input_shape, str): shape = sp.symbols(input_shape, integer=True) elif isinstance(input_shape, container_abcs.Iterable): shape = [sp.symbols(s, integer=True) if isinstance(s, str) else sp.symbols('x{}'.format(i), integer=True) if s is None else s for i, s in enumerate(input_shape)] shape = tuple(shape) self._input_shape = shape @property @utils.validate def output_shape(self): """ Returns the output shape of the module. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def params(self): """ Return a tuple of all the parameters in the module. """ assert not hasattr(super(), 'params') return tuple(self.state_dict().values()) @property def trainable(self): """ Return a tuple of all parameters with :attr:`requires_grad` set to `True`. """ assert not hasattr(super(), 'trainable') params = [] if hasattr(self, 'parameters'): params = [p for p in self.parameters() if p.requires_grad] return tuple(params) @property def regularizable(self): """ Returns a tuple of parameters to be regularized. """ assert not hasattr(super(), 'regularizable') params = [] if hasattr(self, 'weight'): if self.weight.requires_grad: params += [self.weight] for m in list(self.children()): if hasattr(m, 'regularizable'): params.extend(m.regularizable) return tuple(params)
[docs] def save(self, param_file): """ Save the weights of the model in :class:`numpy.nrdarray` format. :param param_file: path to the weight file. """ assert not hasattr(super(), 'save') params_np = utils.bulk_to_numpy(self.params) params_dict = OrderedDict(zip(list(self.state_dict().keys()), params_np)), param_file) print('Model weights dumped to %s' % param_file)
[docs] def load(self, param_file, eval=True): """ Load the `numpy.ndarray` weights from file. :param param_file: path to the weight file. :param eval: whether to use evaluation mode or not. """ assert not hasattr(super(), 'load') params_dict = T.load(param_file) self.load_state_dict(params_dict) if eval: self.eval() print('Model weights loaded from %s' % param_file)
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): """ This overloads the :meth:`torch.Module.reset_parameters` of the module. Used for custom weight initialization. """ assert not hasattr(super(), 'reset_parameters') pass
[docs]@utils.add_simple_repr class Module(nn.Module, _LayerMethod): """ Similar to :class:`torch.nn.Module`, but extended by :class:`~neuralnet_pytorch.layers.layers._LayerMethod`. All the usages in native Pytorch are preserved. Parameters ---------- input_shape shape of the tensor to be input to the modules. Can be a list, tuple, nested list/tuple or an integer. """ def __init__(self, input_shape=None): super().__init__() self.input_shape = input_shape
[docs]@utils.add_simple_repr class MultiSingleInputModule(Module): """ This is an abstract class. This class computes the results of multiple modules given an input tensor, then fuses the results. Parameters ---------- modules_or_tensors a list of modules or tensors whose results are fused together. Attributes ---------- input_shape a list of input shapes of the incoming modules and tensors. """ def __init__(self, *modules_or_tensors): assert all(isinstance(item, (nn.Module, T.Tensor)) for item in modules_or_tensors), \ 'All items in modules_or_tensors should be Pytorch modules or tensors' super().__init__() input_shapes = [] def foo(item): idx = len(list(self.children())) if isinstance(item, nn.Module): self.add_module('module%d' % idx, item) input_shapes.append(item.output_shape) else: self.add_module('tensor%d' % idx, Lambda(lambda *args, **kwargs: item, input_shape=item.shape, output_shape=item.shape)) input_shapes.append(item.shape) list(map(foo, modules_or_tensors)) self.input_shape = tuple(input_shapes) def forward(self, input, *args, **kwargs): outputs = [module(input, *args, **kwargs) for name, module in self.named_children()] return tuple(outputs) @property def trainable(self): return tuple() @property def params(self): return tuple() @property def regularizable(self): return tuple()
[docs]class MultiMultiInputModule(MultiSingleInputModule): """ Similar to :class:`MultiSingleInputModule`, but each module has its own input tensor. """ def __init__(self, *modules_or_tensors): super().__init__(*modules_or_tensors) def forward(self, *input, **kwargs): input_it = iter(input) outputs = [module(next(input_it), **kwargs) if name.startswith('module') else module() for name, module in self.named_children()] return tuple(outputs)
class SingleMultiInputModule(Module): def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module.output_shape) self.module = module @property @utils.validate def output_shape(self): return self.module.output_shape def forward(self, *input, **kwargs): return tuple([self.module(inp, **kwargs) for inp in input]) @property def trainable(self): return tuple() @property def params(self): return tuple() @property def regularizable(self): return tuple()
[docs]@utils.add_simple_repr class Sequential(nn.Sequential, _LayerMethod): """ Similar to :class:`torch.nn.Sequential`, but extended by :class:`~neuralnet_pytorch.layers.layers._LayerMethod`. All the usages in native Pytorch are preserved. Parameters ---------- args a list of modules as in :class:`torch.nn.Sequential`. input_shape shape of the input tensor. If ``None``, the functionality is the same as :class:`torch.nn.Sequential`. """ def __init__(self, *args, input_shape=None): self.input_shape = input_shape super().__init__(*args) def __getitem__(self, idx): if isinstance(idx, slice): start = idx.start if idx.start else 0 modules = list(self._modules.items()) return Sequential(OrderedDict(modules[idx]), input_shape=modules[start][1].input_shape) else: return self._get_item_by_idx(self._modules.values(), idx) def add_module(self, name: str, module: T.nn.Module) -> None: r"""Adds a child module to the current module. The module can be accessed as an attribute using the given name. Args: name (string): name of the child module. The child module can be accessed from this module using the given name module (Module): child module to be added to the module. """ if not isinstance(module, T.nn.Module) and module is not None: raise TypeError("{} is not a Module subclass".format( T.typename(module))) elif not isinstance(name, T._six.string_classes): raise TypeError("module name should be a string. Got {}".format( T.typename(name))) elif hasattr(self, name) and name not in self._modules: raise KeyError("attribute '{}' already exists".format(name)) elif '.' in name: raise KeyError("module name can't contain \".\"") elif name == '': raise KeyError("module name can't be empty string \"\"") if not hasattr(module, 'input_shape'): self.input_shape = None if len(self._modules) == 0 and hasattr(module, 'input_shape') and self.input_shape is None: self.input_shape = module.input_shape if len(self._modules) > 0 and hasattr(module, 'input_shape') and self.output_shape is not None: module.input_shape = self.output_shape self._modules[name] = module def forward(self, input, *args, **kwargs): for module in self._modules.values(): input = module(input, *args, **kwargs) return input @property @utils.validate def output_shape(self): layers = list(self.children()) if not layers or self.input_shape is None: return self.input_shape else: return layers[-1].output_shape if hasattr(layers[-1], 'output_shape') else None def reset_parameters(self): for m in self.children(): m.reset_parameters()
def wrapper(input_shape=None, output_shape=None, *args, **kwargs): """ A class decorator to wrap any :mod:`torch` module. :param input_shape: shape of the input to the module. Can be ``None``. :param output_shape: shape of the output tensor. If ``None``, the output shape is calculated by performing a forward pass. :param args: extra arguments needed by the module. :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments needed by the module. :return: The input module extended by :class:`~neuralnet_pytorch.layers.layers._LayerMethod`. Examples -------- You can use this function directly on any :mod:`torch` module >>> import torch.nn as nn >>> import neuralnet_pytorch as nnt >>> dropout = nnt.wrapper(p=.2)(nn.Dropout2d)() # because wrapper returns a class! Alternatively, you can use it as a decorator .. code-block:: python import torch.nn as nn import neuralnet_pytorch as nnt @nnt.wrapper(# optional arguments for input and output shapes) class Foo(nn.Module): ... foo = Foo() """ assert input_shape is None or isinstance(input_shape, (int, container_abcs.Iterable)), 'Unknown type of input_shape' if isinstance(input_shape, int): input_shape = (input_shape,) def decorator(module: nn.Module): assert issubclass(module, nn.Module), 'module must be a subclass of Pytorch\'s Module' @utils.add_simple_repr class _Wrapper(module, _LayerMethod): def __init__(self): self.input_shape = input_shape self.output_shape_tmp = output_shape super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def forward(self, input, *args, **kwargs): return super().forward(input, *args, **kwargs) @property @utils.validate def output_shape(self): if self.input_shape is None and self.output_shape_tmp is None: return None if self.output_shape_tmp is not None: return self.output_shape_tmp else: none_indices = [k for k in range(len(self.input_shape)) if self.input_shape[k] is None] shape = [1 if s is None else s for s in self.input_shape] dummy = T.zeros(*shape) try: dummy = except StopIteration: pass dummy = self(dummy) output_shape = list(dummy.shape) for k in none_indices: output_shape[k] = None return tuple(output_shape) _Wrapper.__name__ = module.__name__ _Wrapper.__doc__ = module.__doc__ _Wrapper.__module__ = module.__module__ return _Wrapper return decorator
[docs]class Lambda(Module): """ Wraps a function as a :class:`~neuralnet_pytorch.layers.Module`. Parameters ---------- func a callable function. input_shape shape of the input tensor. output_shape shape of the output tensor. If ``None``, the output shape is calculated by performing a forward pass. kwargs keyword arguments required by `func`. Examples -------- You can easily wrap a :mod:`torch` function .. code-block:: python import torch as T import neuralnet_pytorch as nnt a, b = T.rand(3, 1), T.rand(3, 2) cat = nnt.Lambda(, dim=1) c = cat((a, b)) print(c.shape) Also, it works for any self-defined function as well .. code-block:: python import neuralnet_pytorch as nnt def foo(x, y): return x + y a = T.rand(3, 3) print(a) foo_sum = nnt.Lambda(foo, y=1.) res = foo_sum(a) print(res) """ def __init__(self, func, input_shape=None, output_shape=None, **kwargs): assert callable(func), 'The provided function must be callable' super().__init__(input_shape) self.output_shape_tmp = output_shape self.func = func self.kwargs = kwargs def forward(self, *input): return self.func(*input, **self.kwargs) @property @utils.validate def output_shape(self): if self.input_shape is None and self.output_shape_tmp is None: return None if self.output_shape_tmp is not None: return self.output_shape_tmp else: none_indices = [k for k in range(len(self.input_shape)) if self.input_shape[k] is None] shape = [1 if s is None else s for s in self.input_shape] dummy = T.zeros(*shape) try: dummy = except StopIteration: pass dummy = self.forward(dummy) output_shape = list(dummy.shape) for k in none_indices: output_shape[k] = None return tuple(output_shape) def extra_repr(self): s = '{}'.format(self.func.__name__) return s